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Understanding the Work Status Report


The Work Status Report (WSR) serves as an injured employee’s report card from their doctor. It advises the employer if/when the medical provider does not believe the injured employee can do any work in their current medical status or requires workplace accommodations in a restricted capacity. Proactive employers should require a WSR from an injured employee after every medical appointment, as this information encourages a reasonable return to work and holds everyone accountable.

What does the Work Status Report Tell You?

The WSR contains a lot of important information that dictates the aspects of an injured worker’s claim. The WSR includes the following basic information: patient’s name, date of service, reason for visit, diagnoses, disposition, work restrictions, date of next follow-up appointment, and the doctor’s signature.

The physician should indicate work restrictions in terms of how many hours a particular activity is restricted during an 8-hour work day. Hand restrictions, for example, should indicate whether the restrictions are for the right hand, left hand, or both. Other restrictions can include psychiatric restrictions, chemical exposure, use of equipment, or any other restrictions.

Returning an injured employee back to work should be the main focus of the employer. Making temporary accommodations to assist the employee is advantageous to them, making him or her feel connected to the organization and contributing to it. As for the employer, making the accommodations can help reduce costs by decreasing the need for temporary help and possibly reduce workers’ compensation rates.

The WSR is important to employees because it enforces their rights to benefits, work in an environment conducive to their recovery, stay on top of treatment, and as a reminder of further appointments. The WSR is important for employers because it demands an honest assessment of the employee’s restrictions and/or limitations in their ability to work. Insurance adjusters use the WSR to determine benefit eligibility and to authorize any necessary further treatment. Our doctors at Trinity Occupational Health will always include as much information as possible to ensure the most accurate information is conveyed across the board.

Trinity Occupational Health works closely with companies in order to properly communicate work restrictions, especially in high risk cases. Ensuring that doctors and companies are privy to the same information also ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.

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