Urgent Care & Occupational Health in Stockton

Urgent Care & Occupational Health
in Elk Grove

Telemedicine in Occupational Health

Telemedicine appointment

Telemedicine has been used for decades to improve access to care while simultaneously cutting costs. It holds real potential for reducing an injured employee’s time away from work while increasing the speed in which an injury can be evaluated. Convenient access to healthcare services both during and after the current COVID-19 pandemic is essential in order to evaluate and return an injured worker to the workplace in the shortest amount of time possible.

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Understanding the Work Status Report


The Work Status Report (WSR) serves as an injured employee’s report card from their doctor. It advises the employer if/when the medical provider does not believe the injured employee can do any work in their current medical status or requires workplace accommodations in a restricted capacity. Proactive employers should require a WSR from an injured employee after every medical appointment, as this information encourages a reasonable return to work and holds everyone accountable.

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Stockton Urgent Care & Occupational Health

Elk Grove Urgent Care & Occupational Health

Important Notice: If your emergency occurs after regular business hours, please visit your nearest emergency room. For life threatening injury or illness, call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.